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The two prototypes will be applied in the agricultural Tuscan framework. After the identification of the main cropping systems in Tuscany and their effects of N2O emissions, a series of field trials will be set up in the Interdipartimental Centre for Agro-Ecological Research E. Avanzi (CIRAA), located on the northern coast of Tuscany, near Pisa, and the Cesa Research Centre for Agricultural Technologies and Extension Services in the Province of Arezzo - Ex. Arsia (CATES). They are representative of different pedological and climatic characteristics as well as crop management. A monitoring period of two years will be carried out on these field trials using both prototypes, in order to obtain a comprehensive set of N2O flux data and ancillary parameters.

Improved flux Prototypes
for N2O emission from Agriculture

West Systems Srl (Coordinating Beneficiary)
Via Don Mazzolari 25, IT56025 Pontedera (PI)
Ph.: +39 0587 483335 - Fax: +39 0587 2960668

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